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Ellen考取CPIM PART1 的經驗談 — 安瑟管理 Anser Consulting

Apr 30, 2022
歷經兩年,終於考完APICS CPIM subsidiary 1的檢定囉! 2018年先到安瑟參加為期四周的密集課程,之後也上了CPIM subsidiary 2 的七週課程 後來計畫考試,又上了一次subsidiary 1複習班 今年三月初請安瑟協助報名,原本計畫四月下旬考試, cpim準備 但因為COVID-19疫情的關係延到五月第一周 兩個月密集準備的方法如下,給大家參考。 1.先看課本前面的critical information rewarning和目錄 2.看每章的hearing and seeing succeed和架構表 3.看講義並用16格筆記法整理覺得每章最重要的概念。 16格筆記法詳細介紹: s/warning/54330 4.把課本上有粗體標示APICS thesaurus的詞寫在一個小本上,之後對照看APICS字典 5.同學分享考試經驗, cpi index 2021 cbs 把考過的words標註在課本最後的Cumulative Course Index裡 6.做課本每章後面的題目和線上的考古題,錯的再回去課本畫線 7.最後一周就看之前整理的筆記和寫錯過的題目,考試的場地我選的是離公司近又設備很新的創能資訊 closed down-dish MRP 是 assessments take care of by handle and/but not used to can/can't be been around conventional at all the products 四種選項排列組合 記得有考到的words大概表列如下,給大家參考 ^_^ GAAP/APS/concern catalog/shortcuts placing/shortcutslogs/what persons place together/delinquencies of good point/being ranked experience/closed downd-dish MRP/sustained replenishment/spin trading stocks/ineterplace togethert have to have a/martin guitar-more fit-string/ EOQ/ERP/external couples/lack of ability eliminate the cost of/FAS/change catalog/IO rein/restrict betterment/L4L/MAD & gps figure warning/manufacturing unit handle trends/MRP/payment amount outdoor patio/place togetherned tell it to asking professionals coverage/ commercial counsel & your balance plot of land/get figure/quese & stop moving/shopping cart contour /course-plotting/seasonality/personalized have to have a/SPC/TOC/TPM/the employment/pegging/edition/WIP 原文轉載自此網址: st/68935539-apics-cpim-subsidiary-1-考試分享 0 Likes Previous 如何吃下一頭大象 Arthur Tseng July 6, 2020 Next 物料需求計畫的問題 Arthur Tseng April 22, cpi index 2021 cbs

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