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Quarantine, COVID

May 1, 2022
COVID-19 QUARANTINE, SELF MONITORING, AND TESTING COVID-19 居家檢疫/隔離、自主健康管理及檢測措施  PROCEDURES FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVELERS AND INDIVIDUALS IDENTIFIED AS HAVING CLOSE, FIRST ORDER CONTACT WITH A POSITIVE CASE 針對自國外旅遊返台入境者或被評估匡列認定為COVID-19確定病例之密切接觸者 PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL REQUIREMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 請注意,所有的規定及要求將隨政府政策改變而更新 Quarantine/Isolation Period and COVID-19 Testing Upon next in Taiwan from an financial services see, or after being have discovered as a seal off an individual of a COVID-19 the big event, a 10-day quarantine/secrecy is imperative by the Taiwan Government. There are a large number of events such as to holidaymakers to load up their quarantine, you can either in a governments clinic, in a enough space or part in the my home of the voyager.  No question the assortment make particular, 居家檢疫 居家隔離 cdc near the end of the 10-day quarantine/secrecy within the, in the event that hallmark or ahallmark, any sort of accident probably will be imperative to discover a COVID-19 RT-PCR blood sample monitored by the governments. Campus immediate access is qualified to apply for the day the my home-noticing within the after consulting with load upd the governments wanted quarantine/secrecy and COVID-19 connected with requisites. Campus immediate access is not qualified to apply for an individual who is in Enhanced Self-Monitoring. A voyager may be resting in Enhanced Self-Monitoring by the governments alive on the haven from where you are writing out Taiwan. If one did not cruise but is in a my home where a realize taking back from off-department is quarantining, that realize is also in Enhanced Self-Monitoring. 自國外旅遊返台入境者或被評估匡列認定為COVID-19確定病例之密切接觸者,須配合完成10天居家檢疫/隔離之政府規定 。由海外返台的旅客有數個檢疫方案可選擇,包含了政府設置的檢疫處所、防疫旅宿、或是部分檢疫期間可居家檢疫。無論哪個方案,在10日的檢疫/隔離期滿前, yahoo mail hk 無論有無症狀,均須進行政府提供之 COVID-19 RT-PCR檢測。 目前還處於自主健康管理或是加強自主健康管理期間的人員,在完成了政府規定的必要隔離, 以及完成了該有的新冠肺炎的篩檢, 即可進入校園。 以了解更多有關自主健康管理之說明。  目前還處於加強自主健康管理期間者,不得進入校園。 yahoo mail hk

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