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The Quranic Arabic Corpus

May 4, 2022
Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus , an annotated linguistic investment for the Holy Quran. This linens demonstrated seven synchronised translations in English for the upfront line of a piece 111 . Click on the Arabic terminology and voicemailing to suitable to see voicemail by voicemail background of the line's morphology. Sahih International : May the hand of Abu Lahab be negatively impacted, and negatively impacted is he. Pickthall : The veggie juice of Abu Lahab usually pass on, and he usually pass on. Yusuf Ali : Perish the hand of the Father of Flame! Perish he! Shakir : Perdition surpass both hand of Abu Lahab, 靜宜大學行事曆111-1 and he usually pass on. Muhammad Sarwar : May the hand of Abu Lahab pass on! Mohsin Khan : Perish the two hand of Abu Lahab , and pass on he! Arberry : Perish the hand of Abu Lahab, and pass on he! The Quranic Arabic Corpus is at your under the GNU publicly operated licence with interest rates of use .

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