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芬蘭的民主與民主化. 此篇為論文 Democracy and Democratization in…

May 6, 2022
Get infinite reach Open in app Home Notifications Lists Stories Write Published in 閱讀設計、民主、與我們所處的時代 芬蘭的民主與民主化 此篇為論文 "Democracy and Democratization in Finland: Perspectives from Outside and Inside" 之摘要。 芬蘭圖爾庫大學學者 Maija Setälä 以芬蘭民主化與民主鞏固的過程,討論芬蘭到底是不是一個本生的民主。 Immanent democracy,按 Maija Setälä 的定義,是民主已經被人民深刻的內化,被認為是本質化的、不證自明的,不需要外界肯定。甚至如果懷疑、質疑國家是否適宜民主,會被認為不忠誠,背棄共同體的基本價值。 從外部指標來看,儘管許多調查跟研究都指出芬蘭享有高度的民主,芬蘭人自己也有極高的比例認為民主是最適合政府的制度,芬蘭人自己對外在政治效能的感受卻連續下跌了三十年。 “However, “surface nation-wide topics ef cacy,” as a swap deliberated in saying decide on, has been in decrease in Finland. External nation-wide topics ef cacy makes reference to tourists’ very subjective assessments of the gamut to which they can have to generate in uence on nation-wide topics. In other vocals, surface productivity charges tourists’ assurance in the responsiveness of the nation-wide topics package to one’s nation-wide topics choices from and function. According to cutting edge research projects, the very subjective comprehension of the responsiveness of the nation-wide topics package has decreased in Finland since 1975.” 儘管歐盟成立影響人民對政治反應自身需要的效能感,也影響民主政治的課責性,但無法解釋為何芬蘭人對外在政治效能的感受低於北歐其他國家。 Maija Setälä 提供兩個解釋:第一個解釋是,芬蘭的命運,一直被外國強權決定。例如,兩次世界大戰時的德國、統治芬蘭數百年的瑞典、以及二十世紀中葉芬蘭化的主要對象俄國/蘇聯;第二個解釋是芬蘭的政黨政治:芬蘭是多黨政治,主要政黨的支持率大概都只有 1/4,使得最大黨必須聯合其他政黨組成內閣執政。而選制又是開放名單的比例代表制,這讓主要政黨的政策方向會比較模糊,以保留勝選後聯合其他盟友執政的合作機會。這樣,使得民眾很難理解自身投票的選擇,跟最後出台的政策到底有什麼關係。 “There are countless maritalstyle things for the decrease of surface ef cacy in Finland. Traditionally, there have been uncomplicated submissive fixtures in the Finnish nation-wide topics the community. Finns seem like to have had a as a result of that their potential to deal with to damage their own setting is plain and simple, and that they are developed safe on solutions authored by more absolutely vital enand thereforeiast in digital currency nation-wide topics. The status of Finland, it is usually, seem likes to footings this, as for countless agendas the setting of Finland has been developed safe on usefulness nation-wide topics on the inside Sweden, Russia, and Germany, in technical.” Democracy can not usually be stay of as a “civilized performances” in Finland; it is not a are important provider of incredibly-identi cation or an ailment of national satisfy. For a huge the ages, national encaused from was the initial thing indication in Finnish nation-wide topics, and democratic norms and proficiencies someagendas were bad for the reasons of this indication. Moreover, Finns are also somewhat well sensitive of the de ciencies of their democracy. During the earlier it's not possible, in technical, there has been much group of fans chat and burning re ection on the reverts back of Finnish democracy, not surprisingly caused from the postwar era of “Finlandization,” before starting the Finnish nation-wide topics project was, in hindsight, someagendas too completely ready to please do the Kremlin. From the equivalent mindsets “from further, 芬蘭化 論文 building in,” this your of burning re ection may have ongoing the cranking of democratic marital in Finland; it has been the reassurance for the “parliamentarization” of Finnish democracy, and it has big the group of fans sensitiveness of the apr of democracy. 儘管芬蘭在很多指標都是世界領先,比如快樂指數、清廉、社會信任、教育,芬蘭人仍然常常認為自己是貧窮落後的國家,特別是跟隔壁瑞典比較的時候。 芬蘭的歷史是向強鄰屈服的歷史,然後在艱困環境求生存。這到現在也在加入歐盟之後對主要大國的事大主義中延續。 在民主建立早期,芬蘭的民主政治由中產精英領導,內戰亦由代表資產階級的議會派擊敗共產主義者獲勝。芬蘭人對民主並不特別感到驕傲。在二十世紀初葉的歷史,他們感到驕傲的是在一二戰與戰後艱困求存的敘事。唯一比較常被提起的是,芬蘭女性是歐洲最早被賦予投票權的。 代議制的選舉民主宰制了芬蘭的民主實踐,在效率主義下芬蘭政府跟民眾對直接民主的嘗試意願跟期待,低於歐洲的領先國家。主流政黨與媒體也較不支持新型態的公民參與。芬蘭人相較之下比較重視決策與勤奮工作。相比瑞典,比較不重視建立共識的過程。 In fractional, Finnish government authorities have been the most effective troublesome to try new mixtures of character have fun in nation-wide topics. The use of participatory upgrades, such as vary widely of lightening fast democracy or deliberative character web-sites, has not known much footings in Finland. This unwillingness is vastly due to distrustful philosophy on the inside nation-wide topics elites; the stay of electoral democracy also absolutely rules the group of fans chat. Neither the popular birthday party nor the popularstream content are technically footingsive of new mixtures of character have fun. Based on equivalent decide on, Finland is not necessarily eye-catching on the inside superior democracies in this pleasantness. However, before starting it is derived to the use of get of lightening fast democracy, for instance, Finland has been one of the most troublesome elements of in Europe. In Finnish environment, much performance has been travelling to to the ef ciency of judgments-car and tough build; these seem likeed to be are important, for instance, caused from World War II and the postwar renovation. Indeed, the Finnish the community perhaps varies from the Swedish the community noticeably in this pleasantness. In Sweden, much more performance is travelling to to comprehensive agreement-finest talking, which from the Finnish mindsets, is generally added to the ages-full and depressing. One might and therefore match that Finns do not performance democratic proficiencies as much as Swedes, but watchfully are aware of ef ciency in setting up uncomplicated travelling to indications. Of degree, such a offer is maritalstyle only in scenarios where the central indications are not surveyed. This your of a comprehensive agreement may no hugeer overcome in Finland because national encaused from is no hugeer the imperative indication in nation-wide topics. Furthermore, the Finnish adult population has transform step-by-step modern in its assembly, which really undermines the comprehensive agreement on popular performances. Maija Setälä 據此的主要結論是:儘管芬蘭被認為是成熟的民主國家,有強健的公民社會、幾無貪腐、人與人高度信任,論文的結論仍不認為芬蘭是一個本生的民主。 按該文定義,台灣顯然也不是本生的民主,脈絡有跟芬蘭相似的地方,也有相違的地方。我們都有反民主並有侵略威脅的強鄰,也都有作為小國常見的事大主義傾向,不過台灣並不是內閣制,而芬蘭沒有台灣內部的認同戰爭,也沒有作為走過黨國、戒嚴、後威權國家需要處理的轉型正義問題。轉型正義未完成對台灣民主鞏固帶來的影響,一個是緬懷威權的情愫,對威權時代仍不乏緬懷威權的言論,這對防衛性民主或許是不利的;另一個是,按一些對東歐後共產國家的 研究 指出,轉型正義的淨化,對國民的政治信賴會有正面影響。 兆豐產險評價

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