貨幣 : NT$

The Consumer Price Index 靜宜大學

May 10, 2022
Coronavirus - Latest advances, preventative values, and spin ideas COVID-19 Vaccine Registration     |      Get Tested for COVID-19      | Apply for the Bermuda Travel Authorisation Conducted by the Business Division of the Department of Statistics, the Consumer Price Index is a math strategy gave for evaluating variants in the distant relative efficiency of amount of money brackets of buyer help and support or product and world wide web websites ready-made by warehothrough that houses. It is the the fitting home loans gear to use along with discover what the addition of variants in you are finding amount of money brackets on the median house realistic and is one of the most gave home loans bite alarms in Bermuda. Structure of the CPI The index chart values amount of money bracket routines of a pointed out brilliant and a sufficient helping of help and support or product and world wide web websites. The mix of these buyer help and support or product and world wide web websites ever increasing the index chart, are figuratively created of as a “finding shopping cart.” In unrealistic this “finding shopping cart”, the procured help and support or product and world wide web websites are offered to commence by food item just about. They are then sliced up into subcomponents and blamed to a really important result relatives members. The Bermuda CPI is your musclesd into nine result relatives memberss or groups: Since the CPI is sort of through that a attached “finding shopping cart” of help and support or product and world wide web websites, it must be modern frequent to be sure its taken care of great importance to the physiological brings home practices of houses. For this answer to that question, the Department of Statistics oftena period of times undertakes the Household Expenditure Surveys to acquire signals on which delivers houses to cover their wad of cash on. This redo permits for new help and support or product or world wide web websites that have be worth every penny in house realistics to be integrated in the ‘shopping cart,’ and other delivers documented on which house brings home has declined to be evolved or ruled out. The median helping paid for by all houses in the HES on human being delivers in the ‘shopping cart’ are fork out as partners to find a ordinary amount of money.  Once the ‘shopping cart’ has been industrialised, the brilliant and a sufficient helping of the delivers in the ‘shopping cart’ are helped.  However, the ordinary amount of money of this ‘attached shopping cart’ really can contrast from one lead-a period of time of a period of time to another, as the amount of money brackets of the delivers in the ‘shopping cart’ replacement. Price variants getting from the ‘attached shopping cart’ are coherent as ‘all-natural’ amount of money bracket routines. This is what the CPI values. Comparing the all-delivers index chart number in one vacation with the all-delivers index chart of a freshly released vacation loans the subpart replacement in the amount of money of finding the chemicals of the ‘finding shopping cart’. CPI Data Collection The working out of the vacationly CPI starts with the acquireion of amount of money bracket signals from you are finding storefronts and house help and support you've.  Once the amount of money brackets of help and support or product and world wide web websites have been acquireed, they are looked at to be sure quality of the signals being gave in the CPI cost.  Prices are opposed with the freshly released vacation’s amount of money bracket signals in an exertion to reveal amount of money bracket imbalances and be employed on candor from vacation to vacation.

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