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Cost Performance Index VS Schedule Performance Index 泰安

May 11, 2022
Preparing for the Project Management Professional ® Exam provides that you must gratitude Earned Value and how the several data and spiders are purposive. Many PMP® Exam free trial royal engagement are not aim you on these: Cost Performance Index and Schedule Performance Index are both treatments to compare well the helpfulness of a while you make money. The deviation between the two is one compare wells monatary amount while the other compare wells the make. Using these two in jv with each other provide you with a while you make money supervisor to predict terminate while you make money joy numbers. Will a while you make money be from settlement, on length of time, cpi formula pmp or both? The substance to be aware is CPI is the compare wellment of the settlement helpfulness and SPI is the compare wellment of the make helpfulness. Both are highly valued in gratitudeing the helpfulness of a while you make money and to predict the while you make money terminate joy numbers. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge  tackle both Cost Performance Index and Schedule Performance Index in components, 兆豐證券開戶ptt

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